Productivity, Future of World Economy and Innovation 26 – 28 June 2013 (Wednesday) at Dewan Jumaah UTM KL
Professor Vietor is the Paul Whiton Cherington Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School and Senior Associate Dean for the Asian Initiative. He teaches courses on the international political economy. Professor Vietor is a renowned figure in the field of international political economy and government’s role in global competition. He has written in numerous journals, books and case studies related to business and government policy and environmental management, he is also a consultant to several international corporations and countries like Malaysia. Professor Vietor’s research on business and government policy has been published in numerous journals and books. He has also been a consultant to the Hudson Institute and the Energy Research and Development Administration, and is currently consultant to several corporations, including: IBM, Honeywell, General Electric, New England Telephone, AT&T, and Southern Bell. Professor Vietor currently sits on the international panel of UTM International Business School (IBS).

Case study on Malaysia, Turkey and China will be discussed.