I have a constant desire to start my own business, but I keep failing! Often, I think of burying this intention and joining a day job. However, I continue to have high hopes that the day will come when I can tell others about my journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Does it reflect on you? If yes, this article offers some interesting perspectives.
Entrepreneurship is not just a profession but a lifestyle that constantly pushes you to develop, learn, and invent every day. It is a way of expressing your passion, your vision, and your creativity. It is also a beautiful journey of learning and discovery that can enrich your life while creating value, solving problems, and making a difference and positive impact in the world. The ultimate adventure, entrepreneurship rewards you with satisfaction, freedom, and impact.
About the author

Dr. Shathees Baskaran is an Associate Professor at Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He is an experienced strategic management professional with more than 15 years of corporate experience. His major area of training, teaching, research, and consultancy interests is strategic management where his intellectual contributions can be found.

Do you want to discover your entrepreneurial potential? Did you know that there are many ways to be smart in realizing your dream of becoming an entrepreneur? Then you need to know about the multiple intelligences! Numerous research concluded that there are nine different ways to be smart: word-smart (verbal-linguistic intelligence), number-smart (logical-mathematical intelligence), sound-smart (musical intelligence), image-smart (visual-spatial intelligence), physique-smart (bodily kinaesthetic intelligence), people-smart (interpersonal-social intelligence), self-smart (intrapersonal-introspective intelligence), conscience-smart (spiritual intelligence) and nature-smart (environmental intelligence). Acknowledging your intelligence will help you to communicate your ideas, analyze data, design products, express your creativity, execute your plans, understand your environment, collaborate with others, and reflect on your actions.
For example, if you have high linguistic intelligence, you can communicate your ideas effectively and persuade others. If you have high spatial intelligence, you can visualize and create innovative solutions. And if you have high interpersonal intelligence, you can understand and collaborate with diverse people. Some people may have a knack for finding their way around new places, while others may be skilled at sports or dancing. And some people may have a special connection with nature and animals. These are all examples of multiple intelligences that can help you learn, grow and succeed in life! By knowing your strengths and weaknesses, you can find the best opportunities and challenges for your personal growth and development.

You have unique talents and abilities that can make you stand out and succeed in any field you choose. It’s about creating your unique path and living your best life. Whether you are good at music, art, sports, languages, logic, or anything else, you can use your strengths to create value and solve problems in the world. Don’t let fear or doubt stop you from exploring your potential and unleashing your genius. Explore this exciting journey of self-discovery and empowerment. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! So, don’t wait any longer and learn more about the multiple intelligences today! Find out what smart you are.
To learn more, click here. It will provide you with intriguing insights.