by rahman | Jul 6, 2021 | News
Accredited Programmes/Courses, Azman Hashim International Business School, Industrial/Institutional Collaboration & Networking / By Noor Ashruf Adzmawi Noor Akmar / July 6, 2021 / 1 minute of reading Prepared by: AP. Dr. Rossilah Jamil Azman Hashim International...
by rahman | Jun 7, 2021 | News
Bee-Modular Box is an economic development project lead by Azman Hashim International Business School (AHIBS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) young researcher, Dr. Mohd Khairuddin bin Ramliy to assist the B40 group to improve their economic resilience. Compared...
by rahman | Jun 4, 2021 | News
As cliché as it sounds, ‘customer is king’ is still a key and prevailing mantra in many businesses. As consumers are becoming more educated and tech-connected, maintaining close relationships with them is key to build strong customer loyalty. This aspect...
by rahman | May 3, 2021 | News
‘AHIBS program provides a solid foundation for corporate career’ – this is the remark made by our alumni, Mr. Zulfadhli Marjo, a graduate of Bachelor in Management Technology (year 2000). Selecting International Business as the program specialization, young...
by rahman | Apr 1, 2021 | News
1st Round HSBC Malaysia Business Case Competition 2021 (22 March 2021) UTM sent two teams to the HSBC National Level Competition 2021, which Dr. Sabrinah Adam acting as a mentor for both teams. This HSBC Malaysia Business Case Competition 2021...