by sharudin | Mar 10, 2021 | News
Azman Hashim International Business Schools (AHIBS) takes on a lead role in their connectivity with industries following the recently concluded AHIBS Advisory Council (AAC) on 8th March 2021. This second AAC Meeting was chaired by the Council Chairman, Tan Sri Azman...
by sharudin | Jan 13, 2021 | News
Congratulation to AP Dr. Norhalimah Idris & AP Ts. Dr. Tan Owee Kowang for the promotion!…
by sharudin | Oct 28, 2020 | News
“Due to the extension period of CMCO in the Klang Valley region, AHIBS KL online counter will be operating until 9th November 2020. New students are welcome to join the online counter through Webex.Webex link:...
by sharudin | Aug 4, 2020 | Industry & Practitioners, News
Julian Neo ManagingDirector DHL Express Malaysia & Brunei Julian Neo, is the Managing Director of DHL Express Malaysia & Brunei. Julian started his career with DHL Express Malaysia in April 2000 as a Global Account Manager managing a portfolio of key financial...
by rafi | May 18, 2020 | Current Student, News
Based on the recent Covid-19 pandemic, AHIBS is taking a proactive and pre-caution measures in reducing the spread of Covid-19 by conducting online classes. The teaching and learning activities of AHIBS programmes will be delivered using an online platform such as Big...
by rafi | Apr 29, 2020 | Industry & Practitioners, News
More info at Established under the Accountants Act 1967, MIA is the national accountancy body that regulates, develops, supports and enhances the integrity, status and interests of the profession in Malaysia. As an accountancy body for the...