by rafi | Jan 16, 2019 | Academia, Peers & Associations
Bringing our research closer to practice.Learning a lot at Action Research Workshop today, conducted by Dr. Ahmad Zamri Mansor from UKM.Starting February 2019, action research will be a capstone project for new MBA intake whereby students will be immersing themselves,...
by rafi | Dec 18, 2018 | Academia, Peers & Associations
Our prior engagement with the Ambassador of Hungary to Malaysia, His Excellency Attila Kali, has proliferated fast. Today we brought delegates from 14 Hungarian universities, led by His Excellency, to UTM KL. Pro Vice Chancellor UTM International, Professor Dr. Nordin...
by rafi | Dec 13, 2018 | Academia, Peers & Associations
AHIBS’ team led by AP Dr. Rohaida Basiruddin, Deputy Dean (Academic) received a visit from Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering (TIACE), Republic of Uzbekistan. The delegates are Mr. Ravshan Rashodovich Khakimov- Rector (TIACE), Mr....
by rafi | Dec 4, 2018 | Academia, Peers & Associations
A productive meeting between the Islamic University In Uganda with AHIBS and UTMI held...
by rafi | Dec 3, 2018 | Academia, Peers & Associations
AHIBS visited the MEF Academy on Monday 3rd December to discuss strategic collaborations. Our team was represented by Dr. Rossilah Jamil, AP Dr. Siti Zaleha Abdul Rasid, Dr. Rafidah, and Dr. Theresa. We were received by Associate Professor Dr Michael Chiam, Director...
by rafi | Nov 29, 2018 | Academia, Peers & Associations
ERP Simulation thru MonsoonSim certified training program by SAP and attended by AHIBS UTM, MMU, UUM, DRBHU, consultants and...