Email: fqbhabib@ibs.utm.my
Phone: 03-2180 5049
Farzana Quoquab
Dr Farzana Quoquab is an Associate Professor at Azman Hashim International Business School, UTM. She is an active researcher and managed to secure several research grants since 2014 such as FRGS, GUP-1, GUP-2 and CWGS. She is the recipient of several awards such as the ‘Excellent Service Awards‘, ‘Faculty Award for Research’, ‘Highly Commended Award’ and so on. Till to date, she has graduated 6 PhD students and currently, she is supervising 10 Doctoral students as the main supervisor. She has published articles in peer-reviewed international journals. Dr Farzana is one of the editorial board members of ‘Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies’, ‘Case Studies in Business and Management’, and ‘Journal of Management, Economic and Industrial Organization’. She is also a member of several national and international professional bodies.
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Research Interest
Consumer Behavior, Services Marketing, Green & Sustainability Marketing, Social Marketing, Macro Marketing, and Work Ethics & Values