Email : haliyana@ibs.utm.my
Phone : 03-21805011
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Haliyana Khalid
Dr. Haliyana Khalid obtained her PhD in Computing, with specialization in Human Computer Interaction from Lancaster University, UK. She is a professional member of Association Computing Machinery (ACM) and myHCI-UX. She holds a professional certificate in Marketing (CPM, Asia). The combination of IS, UX and marketing knowledge, plus her strong passion in social media has led her to actively involve in research and consultancy in digital user experience. She is a webmaster, digital content strategist and developer. She also have experience in managing ERP project prior her appointment in AHIBS. Her publication ranges from information systems to social media marketing. She is one of the fellows of the CEO@Faculty Programme 2.0, a national initiatives by the Ministry of Higher Education, aims to create collaboration between industry and academia. Under this program, Dr Haliyana was selected to be part of the Proven Holding Group, and was stationed in FashionValet.com.
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Research Interest
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in Information System, Health Informatics, Marketing Analytics, Digital Content Strategy, Social Media Marketing