AHIBS have collaborated with the following local and international partners in various capacities such as staff and students mobility / exhange, research, consultancies, community projects, training, etc.

Agreements (MoU/MoA/LoC)
Education Entities
- AMC Metropolitan College, Greece
- Ar-Rayan Colleges, Saudi Arabia
- Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
- Chiba University of Commerce, Japan
- Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
- Institute of Technology Cambodia, Cambodia
- Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan
- Metropolitan College SA, Greece
- Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Cambodia
- Pforzheim University, Germany
- Prince Songkhla University, Thailand
- Research Innovation and Development Lab Private Company, Greece
- Svay Rieng University, Cambodia
- Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
- Universiti Kuala Lumpur
- Universiti of Malaya
- Universiti Teknologi MARA
- University of Battambang, Cambodia
- University of Business and Technology, Saudi Arabia
- University of College Dublin, Ireland
- University of Heng Samrin Thbongkhmum, Thailand
- University of Salerno, Italy
- University of the Aegean, Greece
- University of The Gambia, Gambia
- Gerbang Alaf Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. (McDonald’s Malaysia)
- Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Perlis
- Majlis Perbandaran Kulai (MPKu)
- PMI Malaysia Chapter (PMIMY)

Over the years, our talented faculty members have secured consultancy projects from the following parties:
- Adabi Group
- AEON Co. (M) Bhd
- Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad
- Chandaria School of Business, USIU Africa, Kenya
- CIMB Foundation
- Eurasian National University
- Gerbang Alaf Restaurants Sdn. Bhd. (McDonald’s Malaysia)
- Giant Dairy Farm Sdn. Bhd.
- Giant Properties Sdn. Bhd.
- Institut Maklumat Dan Analisis Pasaran Buruh
- Institut Pengurusan Kesihatan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
- Iranian Financial Engineering Association (IFEA)
- Jaya Jusco Stores Sdn. Bhd.
- Jazan University, Saudi Arabia
- Johor State Government
- Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia
- Kementerian Perdadangan Dalam Negeri
- Kementerian Sains, Teknologi Dan Inovasi Malaysia, (MOSTI)
- KFCH International College
- KPJ Healthcare University College
- Malaysia Biotechnology Corporation Sdn. Bhd.
- Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia (MITI)
- Overseas International Link Services Ltd
- Pembinaan BLT Sdn. Bhd.
- Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad (PNMB)
- Posco TJ Park Foundation, Seoul, Korea
- School of Business, University of Applied Sciences And Arts, Northwestern, Switzerland
- Specialist Knowledge Centre Sdn. Bhd.
- Suruhanjaya Komunikasi & Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM)
- Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) Malaysia
- Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia
- Tesco Stores (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
- The Malaysian Insurance Institut
- United Arab Emirates Prime Minister Office
- University Fahd bin Sultan
- Yayasan Muhibah Tan Sri Fng Ah Seng
- Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga Darul Ta’zim
- Yayasan Sumber Maklumat
- Yayasan Warisan Johor

Other Education Partners
We have collaborated with the following partners in other capacities including staff exhange, visiting lecturers, student inbound/outbound mobilities. etc.. Some of them are:
- Anhui University, China
- Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
- Brunei University London
- Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- Diponegoro University, Indonesia
- Eurasian National University
- Hainan College of Economics and Business China, China
- HEC Montreal, Canada
- Helsinki School of Business, Finland
- Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- International College Burapha University, Thailand
- International College of NIDA, Thailand
- IUT DIJON-Auxerre, Universite Paris Descartes, France
- King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
- MIRA Laboratory London, United Kingdom
- National Institute of Business Management, Sri Lanka
- National University, Kazakhstan
- North Minzu University, China (previously known as Beifang University of Nationalities)
- Pforzheim University, Germany
- Qaiwan International University, Kurdistan
- Sejong Cyber University, South Korea
- SGH Warsaw, Poland
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
- Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim (UNISUSKA), Indonesia
- Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA), Indonesia
- Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
- Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Universitas Riau, Indonesia
- Universitas SriWijaya (UNSRI), Indonesia
- Universite Catholique de Lille, France
- Universiti Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
- Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei
- University of British Colombia, Canada
- University of Economics of Bratislava, Slovakia
- University of Pecs, Hungary
- University of Tartu, Estonia
- University of Warsaw, Poland
- Yangtze University College of Technology and Engineering China, China

Other Industry Partners
We have collaborated with the following industry partners in various capacities. Some of these companies are members of the AHIBS Advisory Council (AAC), AHIBS Industry Advisory Panels (IAP), Board of Studies (BOS), and have collaborated with us such as on student and staff internship and visits, etc. Some of them are :
- AeroDarat Services Sdn Bhd
- Air Asia
- AmBank Group
- AmBank Islamic
- Amcorp Properties Berhad
- Axiata Group Berhad
- Berjaya Corporation
- CIMB Group
- Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia
- Ernst & Young
- Felda Global Ventures
- Johor Port Berhad
- KPJ Healthcare
- LegoLand
- Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad
- Malaysia Trade Development Corporation
- Malindo Airways
- MASwings
- Microsoft Malaysia
- Schlumberger
- Silverlake
- South Malaysia Industries Berhad
- Westports Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
- Yayasan Muhibbah

Students Industrial Placement
- Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas)
Cloud Connect Sdn Bhd
Schlumberger WTA (M) Sdn Bhd
Ernst & Young
Deloitte Consulting SEA) Sdn. Bhd.
BDO Tax Services Sdn. Bhd.
KPMG Malaysia
MNZWAJA Chartered Accountants
Kimberly-Clark Trading (M) Sdn Bhd
Eco Global Technology
Robert Bosch Sdn Bhd
ASM Technology (M) Sdn Bhd
Prasarana Malaysia Berhad, Rapid Rail Sdn Bhd
Soft Solvers Solutions Sdn Bhd
Imtiyas Global Professional Plt
P.S. Yap, Isma & Associates
H.Y Lim & Co
Chan & Co
T.J. Wang Accounting Management Sdn. Bhd.
Ing Wang & Co
Ecovis AHL PLT
Siti Haliza & Associates
L&CO Plt
BDO Johor Bahru
ShineWing Ty Teoh
YYC & Co.
YB Management Services
MNZWAJA Associates
Happy Fresh Sdn Bhd
Celestica Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd
Country Garden Danga Bay Sdn Bhd
Vitally Sdn Bhd
Dewani Design Sdn Bhd
DHL Global Forwading Sdn Bhd
GD Express Sdn Bhd
Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas)
Usahawan. Com Sdn Bhd
Tiong Nam Logistic Solution Sdn Bhd
Optimal Systems Engineering Sdn Bhd
Strategic Newlink Sdn Bhd
Holistics Lab Sdn Bhd
Pt Mc Dermott Indonesia
Shop365 Sdn. Bhd
Malaysian Industry-Govt Group For High-Tech
Vantagefive Sdn Bhd
DF Automation & Robotics Sdn Bhd
Majlis Daerah Kota Tinggi
SBK Supplies & Engineering Sdn Bhd
Linde Gas Products Sdn Bhd
Atama Tech Sdn Bhd
Spirit Aerosystems Malaysia Sdn Bhd
YouBaby Enterprise
Easteel Services (M) Sdn Bhd
Pejabat Daerah & Tanah Port Dickson
One Subsea Malaysia Systems Sdn Bhd
Mereka Makerspace
Raki CS Tan & Ramanan
WNH Management Services
Ash’ari Cheong
Sharp-Ware Corporation Sdn. Bhd
GEP Associates
Yeoh & Company