Visitor From Universitas Brawijaya

Visitor From Universitas Brawijaya

29th november 2018 AHIBS received visit from Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia represented by Dr. Irnia Nurika (Head of Master Degree Program) & Dr. Sri Suhartini. We talked about the possibility of staff and student exchange on management technology in...
Visitor from ICAS

Visitor from ICAS

An enlightening discussion was held between AHIBS’s Accounting and Finance and representatives of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) with the presence of the Association of Malay Chartered Accountants Firms Malaysia (AMCAF). The discussion aimed...
Update of Self-Accreditation

Update of Self-Accreditation

UTM has earned the award of Self Accreditation Status from MQA on the 29th March 2013. Maintaining this Self Accreditation Status is subject to the institution’s audit results by Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) which is performed once every five years. ...