We learned the hard way!

When we all are heavily engaged in taking care of the source of bread-and-butter, we tend to forget that we also need to care about our body, soul and family. Pandemic taught us a great lesson that ‘time and tide wait for none’. We learned in a hard way that health – work -family – environment all matter. To cope with the pandemic, we wore mask all the time, we washed our hands too frequently than ever before, we limit physical meetings and learned to work using e-platforms. But those who did not have the opportunity to work online – they had to close their business and start a new one with more innovative ideas to survive in such situation. We read in the newspaper that actor lost his job and started a restaurant business, office worker lost his job and became a grab driver, some others closed their car washing business and started delivering home cooked food. There are so many other incidents – if we look around. So, the message is – ‘everything goes’!

During this hard time, we found options to survive – because we were actively looking for it. We conducted classes online – meetings online – we worked from home (WFH) – we supervised students  online – without compromising the quality we offered best possible service we could. So, its all about where we are putting priorities – social status? To excel in the career? To be perfectionist in whatever we do? These all metrics are dragging us to a very hectic – busy – uncompromising – instrumental life; where we hardly can pay attention to our body – mind – family. The key is to make a balance – to divide the priorities to all these aspects and not be one-eyed to focus only on one aspect of the life.

Did we really learn?

Achieving work-life balance is essential for overall well-being, regardless of age. There is an old saying – ‘when we are young, we don’t have much money so we work too hard to make money. When we get old – we have money, but neither we have good health – nor do we have peaceful mind to appreciate that money’. While it is true that in our youth, we often work tirelessly to secure financial stability, it is important to remember that excessive work can lead to burnout and neglect of other important aspects of life. As we age and accumulate wealth, it becomes crucial to prioritize our health and mental well-being alongside financial success. Neglecting these areas can result in poor health, a lack of mental peace, and a scarcity of time. But the question remains – how much do we care about it? How much do we put effort into making such balance?

Some pro-active measures to be considered

To have a work-life balance, it is crucial to have an equal focus on work and personal life. Self-care should be on the list of everyday routine. In regard to the self-care, activities such as yoga, mild walks, or light exercises should be incorporated. These practices aid in the improvement of physical fitness as well as the promotion of mental tranquilly. Furthermore, taking care of one’s eating habits by choosing a nutritious, well-balanced diet will help one’s health.

Due to the demanding nature of the job, it is common to feel stressed. However, our stress should not affect our family or health and thus we need to pay attention to manage the stress. Stress management approaches such as deep breathing exercises can also be beneficial in reducing stress levels and promoting emotional well-being. Additionally, seeking support from friends, family, or professionals can provide valuable guidance and assistance in managing stress and improving overall health.

Another important aspect is to take care of the emotional stability. We can do it by practicing mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. These techniques can help us stay present in the moment and reduce stress levels, allowing for a more balanced state of mind. Additionally, surrounding one-self with a supportive network of friends and loved ones can provide emotional support and help maintain a positive outlook on life.

And not to forget, our family members and/or loved ones need our time and care too. We should make time for them to have a healthy and peaceful life.

Remember the wise proverb – “taking care of yourself doesn’t mean ‘me first’, it means me too”.

About the author
Dr Nomahaza Mahadi is an Associate Professor at Azman Hashim International Business School, UTM. Her area of expertise includes organizational behaviour and development and leadership. She has authored and co-authored more than 50 articles and research papers in reputable journals, conference proceedings, book chapters and books. For more information about her research and publications, visit: https://business.utm.my/nomahaza_intro/
About the author
Dr Farzana Quoquab is an Associate Professor at Azman Hashim International Business School, UTM. She is an active researcher and expert in green and sustainability marketing related issues. For more information about her research and publications, visit:
About the author
Dr Zarina is an Associate Professor at Azman Hashim International Business School, University Technology Malaysia. Her research interests are financial reporting quality, corporate governance, auditing, corporate issues, disclosures and performance. For more information about her research and publications, visit: https://business.utm.my/zas_intro/
About the author
Dr Adriana Mohd Rizal is an Associate Professor at Azman Hashim International Business School. She has authored and co-authored more than 50 articles and research papers including cases in reputable journals, conference proceedings, book and book chapters. For more information about her research and publications, visit: https://business.utm.my/adriana_intro/
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